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幕后危机 第三季
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一澎湃雨夜,Josef Bousou捂着伤口踉跄回家,倒在了地上。盛夏,Josef 是收赝品的儿子,好像头脑有疑问,无奈掌握本人的行动,对全部人都是平行称谓,随意拿他人货色。小镇人讨厌他,把全部好事件往他身上推。新装的泵被窃算他头上。他傻傻爱好超市家的女儿,可儿家有工具。他看到欧巴跟工具亲切,本人也想,居然非礼孤寡老妪。超市家的女儿诬蔑他非礼,引来女孩家长忠告他禁足。掉事那晚,Josef家人去度假,他一人留在家里,下雨天他偷偷跑去看超市家女儿。没想到第二天家人前往发明他早已逝世亡。警员参与考察镇上每自我。是否找住真凶呢!Au cœur d’un été caniculaire, dans un petit village à la tranquillité apparente, le quotidien des habitants est perturbé par Josef Bousou. Fils de ferrailleurs, semeur de troubles, il est désigné par les villageois comme étant la source principale de tous leurs maux jusqu’au jour où il est retrouvé sans vie dans la cour de la maison familiale…(allocine)
聚焦1925年雪橇手和雪橇犬齐心协力为拯救阿拉斯加州诺姆市孩子的性命而奔波于血清接力路上的事件,被称为“Great Race of Mercy”。本片将登陆迪士尼自家流媒体,2019年推出。1924年年底,诺姆市一个2岁小孩生病,医生诊断其患有扁桃体炎,这种疾病通常不会有生命危险,然而这个小孩成为例外,接下来很多孩子都被诊断患上了扁桃体炎,有几个不幸离世,医生最终确认这种病症是白喉。当时有一种疫苗能够用来对付白喉,然后诺姆市的疫苗全部过期,新疫苗在港口关闭前却未能送达,来年6月波罗的海才会解冻,也没有公路直通诺姆市、没有飞机,唯一运输货物的通道是邮路,然而冬天只有雪橇犬能够通行。卫生局决定使用两组雪橇犬接力运输,20个雪橇手和150只雪橇犬必须日夜兼程,经过河流,跨过平原,穿过森林,穿越冰冻的阿拉斯加邮路。最近的疫苗所在地为南纳,距离诺姆市1085公里,一般情况下狗拉雪橇需要费时25日,而他们只花了5天半就成功完成接力,拯救了多名孩子的性命。本片主角Togo是挪威赶雪橇高手Leonhard  Seppala(达福饰)使用的其中一只领头犬,因机智、卓越的领导力和敏锐的直觉备受称赞。Seppala被委任传送这场接力中最危险的一段,从诺姆到奴拉托接收那批免疫血清,在零下30度、七级以上强风的环境下成功完成了任务。之后南极探险家Roald Amundsen为Togo颁发了一枚金牌。比约恩饰演一名接力人员,在途中背叛了Seppala。
/ Guy / Evans
With this new series Andrew Graham-Dixon returns to Europe taking us on a journey into the captivating watery world of the Low Countries and its art. This small myriad of regions we now know as Holland and Belgium produced some of the most celebrated names in art: Van Eyck, Bosch, Rembrandt, Rubens, Vermeer, Van Gogh, Mondrian and Magritte. As he travels by canal boat and of course by bicycle Andrew reveals just how important the Low Countries were in key moments in the development of western culture - the birth of oil painting in the late medieval ages, the triumph of the Dutch golden age, and the onset of polarizing modern art movements surrealism and abstraction. This is not the story of one nation, but of fluid, ever-shifting boundaries and the search for identity in an area that has always been politically contested. EPISODE ONE: The first episode will be about how the art of Renaissance Flanders e册ved from the craft of precious tapestries within the Duchy of Burgundy into a leading painting school in its own right. Starting his journey at the magnificent altarpiece of Ghent Cathedral created by the Van Eyck brothers Andrew explains their ground breaking innovation in oil painting and marvels how the colours they obtained can still remain so vibrant today. Andrew will describe how in the early Renaissance the most urgent preoccupation was not the advancement of learning, humanist or otherwise, but the Last Judgment. People believed they were living in the end of days; a subject popular with preachers and artists and intensely realized in swarming microscopic detail by Hieronymus Bosch. EPISODE TWO: In the second episode Andrew explores how the seemingly peaceful countries of Holland and Belgium – famous for their tulips and windmills, mussels and chips - were in fact forged in a crucible of conflict and division. He will examine how a period of economic boom driven for the first time by a burgeoning and secular middle class led to the Dutch Golden Age of the 17th Century. Andrew travels to Delft and Amsterdam to demonstrate the striking contrast between two of its greatest proponents, Rembrandt and Vermeer (one famed for his breathtakingly realistic domestic street scenes, the other for explosive rapid brushstrokes and raw colours, best exemplified in his contentious magnum opus – The Nightwatch.) Radically different in style, both men were united by the realization that they must become innovators in business as well as masters of their craft. Yet boom also meant bust - and in a story with very modern echoes they ultimately shared the same fate, financial destitution. EPISODE THREE: Following a brief period of decline, the third episode will look at how the entrepreneurial and industrious region of the Low Countries rose again to become a cultural leader in the modern age; how despite its small and apparent insignificance when stood up against the powerhouses of Europe it produced important forward thinking artists like Van Gogh, Mondrian, Magritte and Delvaux who changed the face of art forever. In this episode Andrew’s exhilarating journey takes us to a remote beach in North West Holland which inspired Mondrian’s transition to his now renowned abstract grid paintings.
无声的证言 第十四季
The day after Professor Silverlake, consultant neurologist at the Dartmouth London hospital, has railed at three patients for smoking and drinking on the premises, all three are found dead. Silverlake, apparently the last doctor to visit the ward, later goes berserk with a rifle and is killed by police snipers. The ward's night nurse is also found dead. Nikki is deeply upset at having to perform an autopsy on a little girl who was murdered, apparently by Jason Bodle, on whom Silverlake once performed life-saving surgery, and wonders if the professor allowed himself to be shot out of remorse. Whilst Bodle is committed as unfit to plead, Silverlake's daughter, Naomi, asks Nikki to help clear her father's name of murder.
This new feature-length biographical film tells the extraordinary and dramatic story of the planet's most famous living scientist, told for the first time in his own words and by those closest to him. Made with unique access to his private life, this is an intimate and moving journey into Stephen Hawking's past and present. Interviewees include Stephen Hawking's sister Mary, his ex-wife Jane, carers and students, as well as colleagues such as Roger Penrose, plus Apollo astronaut Buzz Aldrin, actors Benedict Cumberbatch and Jim Carrey, and Sir Richard Branson This inspirational portrait of an iconic figure relates Hawking's incredible personal journey from boyhood underachiever to scientific genius and multi-million-selling author. And it charts how he overcame being diagnosed with motor neurone disease - and being given just two years to live - to make amazing scientific discoveries and become a symbol of triumph over adversity. Born exactly 300 - years after the death of Galileo, Hawking grew up in a family some regarded as eccentric. Always asking questions, he was nicknamed 'Einstein' at school. Hawking blossomed at Oxford, although he only spent an hour a day studying. He noticed that he was becoming clumsy and fell over for no apparent reason. He was diagnosed with motor neurone disease, but nevertheless started a family and embarked on his academic career, finding himself at the heart of a searing scientific debate about the origins of the universe. And as he lost the use of his body, Hawking had to find new ways to think. He went on to write the huge bestseller A Brief History of Time, and the film reveals the high and lows of his resulting fame and fortune.
Henry Fallon, who is wheelchair bound and is suffering from a neurological disorder, apparently commits suicide and Morse has mixed feelings working on this case as he was once engaged to the dead man's wife, Susan Fallon. The body was found by his son-in-law Peter Rhodes, a local antiques dealer and the victim's wife was in London. When Fallon's doctor advises Morse that Henry didn't have the physical capability to hold a gun to his head, the police realize they may have a murder on their hands. When the police are told that the business arrangement between Fallon and Rhodes had fallen apart, they also have a suspect. Lewis is concerned that Morse is too close to Mrs. Fallon to be objective but in the end, the perpetrators are identified.